PM Lee said he is convinced that over the last 10 years, Singaporeans' sense of shared identity and cohesion has strenthened. He added that Singaporeans need to go through a crisis before they receive their 'report card' on social integration.
MM Lee had just admitted that he "stand corrected" on the integration issue of the Malay community in Singapore.
Perhaps PM Lee should also look at how major fissures are already developing on our social fabric, due to bad policies and failures of the existing Govt., which Singaporeans had noted; as I mentioned in my earlier article "The Digital Warfare in Electoral Battle" (Contributed to SGEP).
These "deep fissures" are threatening to melt down the core of our social fabric, just like radioactive rods at the reactors of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Can the PAP Govt. wait for a real crisis to happen to receive our 'report card' on social integration? By then he would have to declare like Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan - "we will rebuild Japan from scratch". Obviously, PM Lee does not see the needs for "cooling systems" within the PAP's social softwares although he spoke about building nuclear plants for Singapore during the last N-day Rally and the Singapore International Energy Week.
Would you like to re-visit now what the IAEA director-general Yukiya Amano said in a public lecture at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy?
These "deep fissures" are threatening to melt down the core of our social fabric, just like radioactive rods at the reactors of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
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Would you take this true test of the social fabric? |
Would you like to re-visit now what the IAEA director-general Yukiya Amano said in a public lecture at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy?
"There is not such a rule in the IAEA that a nuclear power plant should be constructed some distance from a populated area," said Mr Amano.
He cited two examples of nuclear power plants built close to urban areas in Japan to illustrate his point. One is the Shimane plant, located just 10km from built-up areas in the town of Kashima-chou in Matsue city in Shimane prefecture. The other, Tokai No.2, sits 15km from populated areas in the town of Tokai.
Addressing safety concerns, Mr Amano said that although it was not possible to eliminate risks of accidents completely, these should be contained in three ways to give “credible assurance of safety”.
Firstly, the design of reactors is much safer now and more advanced than it was, reducing the risk of a Chernobyl-like disaster in Ukraine, which killed 56 and caused thousands more cancer deaths.
The second measure is to have well-trained people maintaining the plants and third, having good construction work.
"It is like a house: even though the design is nice, if the construction work is sloppy, then the plant is not good," he explained.
What, then, of the disposal of dangerous nuclear waste?
Having worked in the construction industry for over 20 years, and seen how both the Japanese and Korean construction industries worked, I do not believe our construction standards here can measure up to such high expectations, especially if it means having to "squeeze every cent" out of the contractor. Moreover, the worst is that although our Govt has a Leviathan mindset to control daily lives, it does not ready itself to answer for any consequences of its own misadventures. I doubt our leaders can do what the Japanese could not even do. The most obvious being its PM did not even visit the tsunami-hit sites, the way China's leaders had done so during the Sichuan 2008 quake.
Would you "ready yourself" to trust our PM Lee to take a bet on this "true test of our social fabric", just like the way the 2 casino projects were pushed through?
Would you "ready yourself" to trust our PM Lee to take a bet on this "true test of our social fabric", just like the way the 2 casino projects were pushed through?
Reference # 01
Straits Times Online Mar 20, 2011
THE Prime Minister is convinced that over the last 10 years, Singaporeans' sense of shared identity and cohesion has strengthened.
But the true test of the social fabric will be a crisis, such as one caused by a terror attack, which Mr Lee Hsien Loong on Saturday said 'would be like a tsunami hitting our society'.
Speaking to 800 grassroots leaders at the National Community Engagement Programme (CEP) Dialogue at Raffles City, Mr Lee asked if Singaporeans would be as calm and resilient as many Japanese have proven to be in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami which hit their country on March 11.
He showed a photograph of the Japanese queueing outside a supermarket after the tsunami and said: 'There is no scrambling, no jostling, no fighting. They passed the test.'
Singapore, though, has a shorter history than Japan and lacks experience with emergencies, he said.
Singaporeans need to go through a crisis before they receive their 'report card' on social integration, he added.
Reference #02
AsiaOne News Mar 18, 2011
Reference #03
Yahoo News FTP Aug 3, 2010
In reference to your #03 link, the same "expert" is the one that has gone silent when the explosion happened, and didn't surface and go to Japan only after 6 (SIX) f***king days have passed. He can't even pull a team of nuclear experts to advise Japan on how to response to the emergency rescue operations, let alone advising a small country of 5m people where to hide! On hindsight, who would be so dumb as to build 6 reactors all along side each other in the same place? That's like sending your entire cabinets of Ministers onto the same plane everytime, and pray tell that nothing misfit would happen!! Expert my foot. As far as I'm concerned, PAP has failed the exam! So stop sitting on their high mighty mercedez-made sedan chair to grade our report card. We're the one here judging..and we trust there MUST be a better, greener and safer way to go about for alternative energy. They just have to stop giving me standard 1o-year series answers without thinking outside the box for fresh solutions. Bloody million-dollar sucking machinery morons.
sporeans who voted for PM Lee and his PAP in the previous election and continue to do so at this coming GE can be deemed to Fail The Test! simply because these sporeans are essentially condoning nepotism, condoning a spineless leader surrounded by stooges, condoning their failed policies, condoning their non accountability and shameless greed.
ReplyDeleteI say why don't PM Lee start a "No-tissue-chopping-seats" campaign first. Until they fully eradicate this "kaisu" attitude on a petty thing like chopping seats, is only going to be wishful thinking the gahmen to think singaporeans will still queue in dire situations like a nuclear fall-out?
ReplyDeleteBetter still, me think we singaporeans can start a little "election crisis" by just voting the PAP out of its majority rule, and just test-see how robust our country political system has been under their 40+years of iron-fisted rule. The gahmen always say we are "too small to fail" but me think the opposite. So I'll be happy to try..very confident we sure will pass the test. PAP just have to see it as a "exam". How's that?
Hi Anon 22 March, 2011 17:09
ReplyDeleteI think the person who went missing is a different person from that in Reference #03.
He was reported in the other link as the Chief Executive of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO.
Link :-
"The head of the Japanese power company at the centre of one of the world's worst nuclear disasters has all but vanished from the public eye.
And many Japanese, on a knife edge waiting to see if the nuclear power plant and radiation leaks can be brought under control, are beginning to ask where he is and questioning how much he is in control of the crisis."...
"Since the crisis, he has largely left it to TEPCO spokespeople in Tokyo to be the public face of the company and answer increasingly aggressive questions, and criticism, from reporters frustrated at the lack of information.
Mid-level executives often have no answers other than something along the line of "We are in the process of confirming".
"He's making the low-ranking people do all the hard work," said Satomi Aihara, a 46-year-old Tokyo resident. "I wonder where he's hiding -- it makes me mad."
Taro Kono, a prominent member of parliament with the Liberal Democratic Party and an opponent of nuclear power, was more blunt about TEPCO officials: "They don't tell the truth ... It's in their DNA."
Sound like our Great Orchard Road Flood.
To De Leviathan
ReplyDeleteThe point is, when crisis of this magnitude hits, the damage is already done. Whatever the salesman or expert tried to sell you decades ago, are not going to be around or be responsible for your collateral damage.
There are known knowns; there are known unknowns; But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. At this point, we nuclear meltdown is a known knowns. So didn't PAP said we are a nation too small to fail? Or does that only apply to their control of power but less so to the lives of its people?
To Anon 22 March, 2011 21:53.
ReplyDeleteAre the answers to your last 2 sentences (or questions) both affirmative and "known knowns"? What is unknown to me is if PM Lee proceeds with his "nuclear" strategy as "clean energy alternative" one day, will his 4G, 5G or even 6G ...successors (say no Opposition will ever defeat the PAP) be able to handle the consequences of his decision soon one day. You are witnessing possible 4G PM being presented. Would you like to ask them directly how they would handle the consequences of the current Govt's decisions if the present leaders are "MIA" in future and they are our future leaders making the decisions as in the shoes of Naoto Kan or the CEO of TEPCO? We may not live that long though ... Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plants were built 40 years ago.
If not why even bother tto mention "to test" Singapore's social fabric. Just handle and patch up the fissures appearing now due to the present Govt.
Where was PM Lee when Mas Selamat escaped from detention?
ReplyDeleteWhere was he when the principal shopping area for tourist was flooded causing million of dollars losses to affected businesses.
He obviously does not have the qualities that Singaporeans can look up to as a leader.
The accidental nuclear samurai ...
ReplyDeleteby THE GUARDIAN
[Source : TODAY]
Link :-,,,
"To a world that doesn't know him, Mr Shingo Kanno is one of the "nuclear samurai" - a selfless hero trying to save his country from a holocaust.
But to his family, he is a new father whose life is in peril just because he wanted to earn some money on the side by doing menial labour at the Fukushima nuclear plant.
A tobacco farmer, Mr Kanno had no business being anywhere near a nuclear reactor - let alone in a situation as serious as the one that has unfolded after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
His great-uncle, Mr Masao Kanno, said: "People are calling them nuclear samurai because people are sacrificing their lives to try to fix a leak. But people like Shingo are amateurs: They can't really help. It shouldn't be people like Shingo." .................................
"In the meantime, the cult of the nuclear samurai has only grown. Japanese television aired an interview with a plant worker on Monday offering a harrowing insider's account of the struggle for the reactors.
The worker, his face hidden from view, described sirens blaring, billowing smoke, explosions so powerful the earth rumbled and water sloshing in a pool of spent atomic fuel.
Then he touched on his own complicated emotions before pulling out of the plant. "The people left behind - I feel really sorry for them," the worker said. "It was a hard decision to make, but I had a strong feeling that I wanted to get out."
Agree with the PM, lets vote the PAP out, that would be major crisis according to the everyone in the PAP and then lets show that Singapore can and will survive and get an A in our report card. So come on people, let show that we are better than what this overpaid morons label us.